DD One – this hard…

So today.

I started with going to church in my bright blue dress, feeling good and positive if not just a little bit too tired from being out partying last night with girls just about half my age. It was awesome people watching (country western dancing looks fun, creepers are everywhere) and there was lots of giggling.

I got up this morning and went right back to bed. I was pretty sure I was not going to go worship today but then couldn’t stay there. Really wanted to be with my people. I am very happy with my decision – I needed a bit of refocusing on what is really important. If I had stayed in bed I would have wasted the whole day and been feeling down. Instead, though I have not been exactly active, I have gotten a few chores done.

It is pretty customary for a Starbucks trip to happen after Church. My choice this morning was the blackberry lemonade tea. Not a bad decision but making it a 31 ounce tea was not so good. 240 calories. That is half of today’s calories in a drink. It was my hope to do tea and water all day and not eat because generally when I start eating it is hard to stop. I know this so why did I grab the saltines out of the package sitting on the counter?? Just a few at a time over a few hours and shockingly eventually the whole package was empty! Damn – grrr.

Whole row of saltines and blackberry tea = over 700 calories. So not a raging success but I guess not a complete catastrophe either.

According the the fasting calculator DD should be below 500 (471 actually) and up days should be 2350. So tomorrow I will stick to 2000 calories (I know I said I wouldn’t count but I want to be successful and today didn’t turn out as planned so I just want to be mindful.) Blurg. Feeling discouraged after the first day – not giving up though. Toyed with the idea of trying another DD tomorrow but I think I will try sticking to this plan. UD tomorrow!

What did I learn today?

  • A smaller tea would have been wiser.
  • Planning of some veggies and a little protein might help to avoid the grabbing of quickly available carbs.
  • Crackers should  be avoided on DDs. (Probably all days.)

Committing to writing is definitely making a difference for me. It is forcing me to stop and process what I am doing.

Continuing on in Love and Grace,

P.S. A couple of hours later now and I am sooooo hungry. Good sign I guess…. maybe? Still have several hours before bed…


The Beginning – Day One – Already Messed Up.

I am an emotional eater. I am a carb addict. I am 45-ish and I am 70-ish pounds overweight. I have asthma, high blood pressure, acid-reflux, and anxiety. I have read about Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) and I want to experience the health benefits that are said to result from this lifestyle. I have been planning on it and halfheartedly trying for a few months. I am starting this blog to give myself someplace to talk about this struggle and this journey and if others happen to join me that would be great too. Today is day one. I am wanting to stay at 500 calories or below for Down Days (DD), which I will probably mostly refer to as Rest Days, and not count on Up Days (UD) unless I do not see results on the scale or with my health.

I am doing this for me and as an experiment for my own interest. I am not recommending this lifestyle to others and am not interested in debating its merits.

Already messed up today because I have a bachelorette party to go to tonight for my future daughter-in-law (so excited!) but I am going to fast until tonight anyway and call it good for Day one.

I will tell you all about it tomorrow.

Coming up this week (with fasting Mon, Wed, Fri) is a two day and night trip with best friend to just get away – fasting with her is going to be very difficult but if I wait til it will be easy it will never happen — and an all day mini conference on Friday where I will need my brain and there will be food. Maybe I need to rethink this and do Sun, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday fasting this week??

Okay taking 5 minutes to think about this….

Yes, looking at the rest of this month – with alternating days – starting tomorrow will be best.

Haha – good thing because the son just walked in with muffins… oh my gosh, here we go. 🙂 (Not tempting at all really, just having a bite… yeah, that was enough.)